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Funny Mr.shouter Cartoon Wallpapers By Shoutingblogger

Funny Facebook Cartoon Theme Jokes

Funny cartoon image , funny facebook cartoons

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Date Created : 1/November/2012 
Owned By : Nitin Singh Thakur
File Size : 256Kb
Dimension : 1920*1080
Terms of use : Copywrite owned by Nitin Singh Thakur . You are free to download for your  pc . If you want to share this wallpaper in your wallpapers website /forum /Blog  website etc make sure to include source  as http://shoutingblogger.blogspot.com/2012/11/funny-mrshouter-cartoon-wallpapers-by.html

Story Behind this Cartoon :  I developed this cartoon with hot air balloon  for my article on " How to delete facebook account " . 

How get this idea ? I got this idea , when i was writing article on Facebook . You can Sign up Facebook account very easily as basic Facebook user but somewhat difficult to delete facebook account as basic user , that why i designed this Wallpapers :)

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